Jenny has been an investment professional at Patricia Industries Nordic since 2015. She has worked with a broad set of industries and companies, both within the existing portfolio and in search of new investments, albeit recently more focused on the healthcare and property sector.
Jenny is part of the business team Mölnlycke and Vectura and serves on the board of both companies. Jenny also serves on the board of Navigare Ventures.
Before joining Patricia Industries Jenny worked at the Corporate Finance department of Nordea Markets Investment Banking and participated in several company transactions, both public and private.
Jenny holds a M.Sc. in Finance from the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden, as well as a B.Sc. in Finance & Accounting from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.
Jenny is currently on rotation at Vectura as Head of Region Stockholm and part of the management team.
E-mail: jenny.ashmanhaquinius[at]